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Does Mint Actually Cool Things Down?

Does Mint Actually Cool Things Down?

Mint is a flowering herb, and there are many different kinds of mint. It grows in cool and moist areas where there is shade.
Many people enjoy the light, fresh taste of mint. Mint-flavored gum, breath fresheners, and hard candies often advertise that mint has a cooling effect, and use images of frost and ice to demonstrate this sensation. But is this sensation a result of the mint actually lowering temperatures?Mint is a flowering herb, and there are many different kinds of mint. It grows in cool and moist areas where there is shade.
Many people enjoy the light, fresh taste of mint. Mint-flavored gum, breath fresheners, and hard candies often advertise that mint has a cooling effect, and use images of frost and ice to demonstrate this sensation. But is this sensation a result of the mint actually lowering temperatures?


Does mint, known for its cooling effect, really lower temperatures, or is it just a sensation?


  • Pack of regular mints (Altoids, Tic-Tac, Mentos, etc.)
  • 2 glasses of hot water
  • Thermometer
  • Pen and paper for notes


  1. Get a glass of hot water and take the temperature with a thermometer. Record this.
  2. Place 5 mints in the glass of hot water and take the temperature again. Was there a change?
  3. Place more mints in the glass of hot water 5 at a time and record whether you see any change at all. You should monitor it for 30 minutes.
  4. The other glass of hot water is to be used as a reference. This is because we know that water cools over time and we want to make sure that if there is any change in temperature, it is not independent of time, but of the mints speeding up the cooling process.
  5. Record your results. Any changes?
Suggested Chart
Initial Temp.
After 5
After 10After 15After 20After 25
Minty Water
Control Water
Author: watson biard
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